Wetland Compensatory Mitigation
A mitigation plan was prepared and executed to offset and compensate for the on-site loss of aquatic resources’ function and values. The mitigation and impact site areas were within the same property. The goal of the wetland mitigation plan was to compensate for the temporary and permanent loss of wetland functions and values that occurred by the placement of fill material over wetlands associated with a drainage ditch that collects stormwater and over other isolated wetland patches.
The original mitigation actions consisted of planting and establishing a forested wetland and transitional areas dominated by the obligate and facultative wetland tree species. The intention was to create a forested wetland in some areas. A total of 810 trees were planted at seven feet (7’) spacing within the 0.81 wetland establishment area.
After the mitigation activities, no permanent wetland function or value was lost within the watershed. Instead, they will be restored and enhanced because of the benefits of including an additional and desirable plant stratum within the area. This compensatory wetland mitigation plan addressed Federal Register 33 CFR 332.4 (c) (2) through (14) requirements. Also, it complied with the following Commonwealth laws and regulations: Puerto Rico's Wetland Law No. 314 from December 24, 1998, and Puerto Rico's Wildlife Law 241 from August 15, 1999, and its Regulations No. 6755 and 6766.
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